Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society Honors Adult Student Success
On February 24, 2022, the Saint Augustine’s University (SAU) Department of Extended Studies hosted a virtual ceremony with six new members inducted into the Sigma Pi Chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society. Current Sigma Pi Chapter National Members Shane Blackwell, Christopher Brooks, Shelton Harris, Ashley Powe, Patrick Williams, and Dr. Anthony C. Grady performed the ceremony. In addition, their Advisor/Councilor, Betty Holman, gave the oath.
“At a time when the world is concerned with COVID-19 and world wars, we have a few silver-linings,” said Holman, Director of SAU’s Department of Extended Studies. “The honor society inductees are one of them.”
The Spring 2022 inductees are Evette Pettus, Jared Ramsey, Alicia Sims Thomas, Yumeika Thompson, Laponda Upchurch, and Dianne Williams.
“We are very proud of our new inductees,” Holman said. “These students have earned the right to become a member of such a prestigious honor society.”
One of the inductees, Yumeika Thompson, was pinned by SAU President Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail while attending the CIAA Tournament in Baltimore, MD.
“I am so proud of Ms. Thompson,” said SAU President Dr. Christine Johnson McPhail. “She embodies what it means to soar above adversity.”
Thompson works at SAU as a Project/Real Estate Manager for the Office of Economic Development and External Engagement. She is in the final semester of her Organizational Management program and will graduate in April.
“To be inducted into the Honor Society was an awesome feeling. However, going back to school in your 40s was not easy,” Thompson said. “To work full time, take six classes each semester, and maintain my GPA was a challenge for me.”
Alpha Sigma Lambda is the oldest and largest national honor society for Non-traditional students. Inductees achieve and maintain exceptional academic standards and leadership characteristics while adroitly handling additional work and family responsibilities.
“Like my daughters told me, and what I always tell everyone about the Extended Studies Program is that it’s never too late,” says Thompson. “I’m super proud of myself.”
Learn more about how to enroll in adult education at Saint Augustine’s University, click here.