SAU HealthLit4Wake Students Set Time During Homecoming Week to Educate Peers on Health-Related Topics While Putting on Their Freshest Outfits
On October 4, 2023, during Homecoming Week on the campus of Saint Augustine’s University, HealthLit4Wake (or HL4W) students hosted an event named “Put that Heat on”. The purpose of this event was to encourage students to put on their freshest outfits while receiving education on health-related topics such as mental health, STD/STIs, COVID-19, research, and other issues. The purpose of this initiative is to address COVID-19-related health disparities among minority populations through improved health literacy initiatives coordinated by HealthLit4Wake, a multisector health equity collaborative. The students who work within Health Lit4Wake are referred to as Community Health Student Ambassadors (CHSA), partnered with other organizations on campus such as Safe Falcons, Daughters of Saint Augustine’s University (DOSA), Delta Research and Education Foundation (DREF), and a few off-campus organizations such as Soy Milk & Hope and Southeast Promise.