Spotlights in the School of Sciences, Mathematics, & Public Health
At Saint Augustine’s University our faculty, staff, alumni and students exceed expectations. Here are some updates by the Dean of the School of Sciences, Mathematics, and Public Health, Dr. Mark Melton.
Dr. Tyrell Carr, Assistant Professor of the Department of Biological and Physical Sciences was accepted as a Case Fellow as a part of the High-Throughput Discovery Science & Inquiry-Base Case Students for Today’s Students (HITS) Workshop this summer through an NSF grant awarded to researchers at NC State. The workshop will be hosted by UNC Chapel Hill. This workshop involves learning about high-throughput approaches to genetic research using case studies from nationally recognized experts.
Afterwards, he will be able to work with researchers and authentic data to produce educational case studies for SAU students. Results generated from the work of student co-authors will be presented in poster sessions and publications going forward.
Ms. Anitorufa Seye (Biology Major) and Ms. Tamika Sanders (Public Health Major) have been accepted into the Duke University School of Nursing Mentoring to Increase Access to Health Professions (MAP) Program for the Summer 2020. This program will help them hone their social and professional skills as well as develop support systems that will provide cultivation for the healthcare profession of their choice.
Mr. Chance Brannon (Freshman – Biology Major) was accepted as a Plant Genomics @ Michigan State University Participant for the 2020 Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program. The program is sponsored, in part, by the National Science Foundation. This award includes a $5,750 stipend and travel expenses.
Ms. Marcella DaCosta (Senior – Biology Major) was accepted into M.S. degree program in Biological Sciences: Marine Biology at the University of New Hampshire for the August 2020 term. This graduate school offer includes a stipend of $19,640, health insurance benefits, and a tuition waiver. Although Ms. DaCosta is awaiting other offers, she is assured that she will continue to pursue her academic endeavors.
Ms. L’Nazia Edwards (Biology Major) secured a student internship at the Argonne National Laboratory (Lemont, Illinois) in the Environmental Scholars Program within the Division of Environmental Science. This internship comes with a $3,500 stipend and other allowable expense allotments.
Ms. Samantha Gray (Senior Biology Major) was accepted into the Saint James School of Medicine St. Vincent campus for the Fall 2020 term. The medical school began more than 18 years ago to empower future physicians on their journey and since opening its doors in 2014, it has become a beacon of medical education in the Caribbean.
Ms. Ciani Bradley (Junior Biology Major) has been accepted into the NIEHS Scholars Connect Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in Research Triangle Park, NC. This program runs from June 1, 2020 – April 16, 2021. Saint Augustine’s University has been sending high achieving students to this program since its inception several years ago. Ms. Naudia Gay is a current Scholar and she continues to represent SAU well.
Alumnae, Ms. Tynasia Milfort has been working in healthcare since arriving back home in the Bahamas. Ms. Milfort was a biology major that graduated last year. She was just notified that she has been accepted into the University of the West Indies School of Medicine, Cave Campus for Fall 2020.
Congratulations to those working diligently in the STEM field continuing to show their Falcon Pride!